
Phone conversation in business

Imagine you need to phone someone in a company. What expressions do you need to use? And which ones do you expect to hear?

Before you listen, do this quiz!

Complete the dialogue with these expressions:

How can I help?
Can I speak to …,    please?
Who’s calling, please?
Please hold
I’ll just put you through
Could I speak to……please?
Who shall I say is calling?
Just a second
I’ll see if he’s in
I’ve got ……..on the phone for you
Hang on a moment

Michelle:   Hello, you’ve reached the marketing department. _________________?
Male:  Yes, ____________________ Rosalind Wilson, _______?
Michelle:  ______________________?
Male:  It’s Richard Davies here.
Michelle:  Certainly. _________________ and ___________________.
Male:  Thank you.

Michelle:  Hello, marketing. ____________________?
Male:  _________________________ Jason Roberts, please?
Michelle:  Certainly.   _____________________?
Male:  My name’s Mike Andrews.
Michelle:  ____________________ – I’ll see if he’s in. Hello, Jason, ___________ Mike Andrews __________________________ … Okay – I’ll put him through. ______________, I’m just putting you through.


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